Why varicose veins appear and how to avoid them

The pathology of the veins, or as this disease is called varicose veins, is increasingly affecting the modern population. Therefore, it is important that all people know what the varicose veins are, their causes, and how they can appear.

the girl thinks about the causes of varicose veins

After all, as you know, the best treatment is to prevent the disease from developing, and not to fight existing symptoms.

The causes and elimination of varicose veins in the legs provide a long-term basis for research by experts from many countries around the world, so this topic has been studied quite well to date.

How the disease develops

In a healthy person’s body, blood circulates in two directions: from the heart down and up, when blood flow passes through the heart muscle again. The vessels in the veins of the legs have valves that allow blood to move and push blood flow upwards.

Healthy veins in the legs allow blood to move up and down, and their valves provide blood supply to all wells.

If the venous vessels are affected and the veins are dilated, the valve will not fit snugly against the vessel wall, blood will accumulate in the lower extremities. This is how varicose veins begin.

How does the varicose vein continue to occur? Inadequate outflow of blood provokes stretching of the veins, the gap between the valve and the vein wall in the legs is widening.

The venous vessel loses its tone, networks of small capillaries expressed on the surface of the skin appear, and intravenous pressure increases.

healthy and varicose veins

If varicose veins occur, the veins are unfortunately no longer intended to be completely healthy and need treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the causes of varicose veins, possible ways to prevent and eliminate them.

So varicose veins are the causes.

Factors in the appearance of varicose veins

The causes of varicose veins have been fully investigated by specialists - phlebologists from different countries - and as a result, a number of factors leading to the development of varicose veins have been identified.

  • Varicose veins in the legs can occur, mainly due to the fact that a person is a biped. As a result, the fact that the body of "Homo sapiens" is mainly in a vertical position during the day puts considerable pressure on the area of the lower limbs.
  • Another factor in the appearance of varicose veins is the hypodynamic lifestyle. In leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, the blood flow to the lower limbs first slows down and then unpleasant stagnation occurs in this area. Chronic edema and a feeling of heaviness in the legs appear. Therefore, if work is associated with a constant presence at the computer, the risk of illness increases significantly.
  • Work with increased physical activity. All organs operate in intensive mode, the tension in the limbs is almost constant. Blood pressure is significantly higher than normal levels and the deformity of the vessels in the legs becomes chronic.
  • Standing standing. If a person is forced to spend a significant amount of time on their feet due to their job responsibilities, it also disrupts venous blood flow, increases blood pressure in the vessels of the feet, and stagnation begins to appear. People living in such professions as hairdresser, make-up artist, salesman are at risk.
  • the profession of hairdresser as a tendency to develop varicose veins
  • Hereditary factor. Unfortunately, many diseases come from our older relatives. Therefore, if there have been varicose veins in previous generations, varicose veins may be much more common in offspring than in people who have not inherited this harmful disease.
  • Hormonal changes. If the hormonal background is unstable, there are violations in this regard, then the onset of venous disease often does not last long. In this way, especially often, varicose veins in women can start during pregnancy when a huge hormonal change occurs. The menopausal period is no less risky in this regard as estrogen hormone levels decrease, making the venous walls looser and more prone to stretching. In addition, long-term hormone therapy can provoke incipient varicose veins.
  • Abnormal development of veins, various formations inside the blood vessels such as fistulas or fistulas. When they do appear, blood is delivered directly from the arterial vessels into the venous vessels, causing the intravenous pressure to rise sharply.
  • Stressful period, prolonged neuroses. Prolonged stress is dangerous to the work of the whole body, and calves are no exception. Central nervous system dysfunctions generally have extremely detrimental effects on circulatory function, including the region of the lower extremities.
  • Overweight. Obesity is detrimental to the whole body and the legs are particularly severely overweight. Why do varicose veins appear when body weight exceeds normal? The fact that you put an extra pound of pressure on the vessels of the pelvis and legs of the calves causes swelling, the work of the blood vessels is interrupted, and as a result, blood clogging and deformation of the blood vessels in this area does not take long.
  • Smoking. This dependence causes sharp narrowing of the blood vessels, especially the veins and capillaries in the lower extremities. Due to a sharp spasm, the blood flow inside the venous vessel slows down, and the blood supply to these areas deteriorates. The vessels become brittle, stagnate, and then a thrombus forms.
  • smoking as the cause of varicose veins
  • Old age. Upon reaching old age, all body systems wear out and sometimes it refuses to function normally, and the legs are no exception. In addition to the loss of elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and veins, in this case it is also influenced by the decrease in general dynamism and the preference for a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption, fatty, spicy and salty foods. Not only do venous walls suffer from gastronomic excess, but excess cholesterol also develops - a major factor in the formation of blood clots and blood clots.
  • Uncomfortable clothes. These include pants - stretched legs that are too tight, resulting in damage to blood flow. All of these, possibly the fashionable elements of the wardrobe, if worn regularly, have a detrimental effect on health, the violation of venous circulation becomes chronic, the blood vessels become deformed and varicose veins appear.
  • Uncomfortable high-heeled shoes or simply uncomfortable synthetic materials that don’t let air through. When wearing such shoes, the legs are constantly under tension, there is constant pressure on the calf muscles from which blood accumulates in the venous vessels. Such disregard for your comfort and health is a direct prerequisite for starting varicose veins.
  • Unfortunately, the cause of varicose veins on the legs is also excessive enthusiasm for baths, steam baths, saunas. In the case of abuse, these procedures can significantly disrupt the body's circulatory processes, causing increased pressure in the veins of the lower extremities.

Can the causes of varicose veins be eliminated?

If the varicose vein has already appeared and the veins have lost their original shape, sound, and smoothness, and the blood flow has been disrupted, only therapeutic measures will help. And what needs to be done to maintain the health of the venous veins in the legs?

Follow these simple guidelines:

  1. Control your weight, try to keep your weight normal, don’t let extra pounds appear. Let regular exercise be part of the lifestyle without undue tension in the calf muscles, physical activity, frequent walking.
  2. Try to avoid frequent gastronomic excesses. Smoked meats, fatty foods, sweets, canned foods and simply overly salty foods should be very rare guests on the table.
  3. Prefer comfortable, high-quality shoes made of natural materials in which your feet "breathe" and leave your high heels just for a festive look.
  4. The same goes for clothing. Avoid synthetic fibers, things that are too tight, don’t buy smaller clothes in hopes of losing weight in the future. First, things need to be comfortable.
  5. Overcome addictions. This point does not require detailed comments.
  6. Drink clean standing water, weak teas, herbal infusions, homemade fruit drinks, fruit drinks. Generally, the amount of fluid should be at least one and a half (preferably two) liters per day.


As with other diseases, pathology of the vessels of the legs is easier to prevent in time than to treat severe symptoms.

If it’s important to stay healthy for many years, take care of your feet, don’t ignore the difficulty and swelling in the evening, try to take some time for a relaxing evening break after a busy day.

ways to prevent varicose veins

An active lifestyle, a healthy nutritious diet and a lack of addictions are the keys to staying active for many years to come.