author Žiga Cvetanoski

The name of the:
Žiga Cvetanoski


  • Classification and use of compression garments for varicose veins: tights, stockings and knee highs. Rules for the selection and wearing of orthopedic products.
    14 October 2021
  • The essence of the disease, varicose veins of small pelvis in women, why it occurs. Symptoms, how the disease affects the health of the female reproductive system. Diagnosis and treatment methods.
    13 November 2018
  • Varicose veins is dilatation of the subcutaneous veins, which veins, forming varices, which resemble bunches of grapes. There are three stages of development of the disease, but it is best to recognize varicose veins in the early stage for effective treatment.
    28 August 2018
  • In the early stages of the disease varikoznoi you can do without surgery and use other methods of treatment. This makes it possible, that the patient can significantly improve the condition and prevent progression of the disease.
    27 July 2018